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Inventory management Inventory Management We help businesses take informed decision, reduce Warehouse & storage cost by maintaining the optimum level of inventory // Oglacs Invento Pro Know More

Invento Pro – Inventory Management Solution by Oglacs

Your Inventories are a cost to your business and it needs to be properly controlled and managed. Proactive decisions have to be made about how much and which items a company should hold overall and at each stocking location. Additionally, the company needs to know when to replenish, how much and where. Businesses know they can improve profitability and working capital through better inventory management, but many are not sure where to start or where savings can be found. They face an ongoing balancing act as they try to carry enough inventory to respond quickly to customer demand, minimize transportation costs, and minimize investment in inventory to reduce warehousing and storage costs.

inventory Management

As the Business grows, the variety and quantities of inventory grows and needs to be managed in an efficient way. The link between effective inventory management and cash flow is now recognized.
You need a  system and a the process by which you track your goods throughout your entire supply chain, from purchasing to production to end sales.


Customize your interface , workflows and rules to suit your needs.

Flexible & Secure

Option to choose Self hosting or Shared hosting

Robust & Scalable

Rock solid architecture, scale as you grow

Benefits of invento pro

Improve order Performance

When you don’t keep an accurate inventory report, it’s easy to run out of products and miss out on sales. See what products you’re running low on, Compare your inventory level with what’s been selling well and reorder on time.

Increased forecast Accuracy

The quality of your sales forecasts enables you to produce forecasts based on sales history. It helps you to easily identify those products that contribute the most to your business in terms of sales value, gross profit, cost of sales, quantity sold or hits.

Better visibility of Supply & Demand

Material Requirements Planning gives you clear visibility to the integrated effect of current and future supply and demand. This helps you to make better purchasing and production decisions and reduce excess and obsolete inventories.

Better visibility of Supply & Demand

Material Requirements Planning gives you clear visibility to the integrated effect of current and future supply and demand. This helps you to make better purchasing and production decisions and reduce excess and obsolete inventories.

Better Return on stock

Invest your cash wisely by buying the right quantity of each product – enough to keep sales going and prevent stock-outs, but not so many that some items just sit on the shelf and increase carrying costs.

Early problem detection

Maybe a step in your warehouse process is being missed? Perhaps there’s an error in your reorder point formula? Or one of your salespeople is making mistakes on sales orders? Our solution will let you identify it now ! Not instead in your Cycle counts may be months away.

Happier customers

Increase sales by seeing all your on-hand inventory across locations. Build personalized dashboards based on geography, brands or responsibilities, and customize alerts and thresholds for your business. Efficiently link inventory to demand and grow your top line.

Industries we Support


IT Hardware


Spare Parts




Food & Beverage

// Lets work together to create positive change in your business

Get in touch Today

Related offerings

Distribution Management
Meet your customers expectation, Manage multi Channel sales, Accept order via Phone, Online or Direct Sales. Dynamic reporting to help you measure performance by Channel.
Warehouse Management
A Highly adaptable Ware house Management solution with features to efficient manage stocks, communication , Audit & compliance and financial intelligence.
Vendor Management
As enterprises extend global operations and reach out to vendors across the globe, the business needs a versatile system to efficiently manage Vendor selection , Risk, Contract, onboarding and performance.