Your Business and Social Media

There are innumerable things that can be done to promote one’s business these days online and offline. In terms of promoting one’s business online, Social Media does the majority of things and is successful if done the right way. It is therefore true that if you have a business small or medium, you will need a website and a strong online presence and the later can be achieved through Social Media. What is social media? Social media are online platforms that helps people from all around the world interact and share ideas. Some of the major social media or social networking sites are Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, YouTube, etc. These sites help in interacting with your potential clients and also your current clients. If you are running an Android Application Development company and you want your customers or clients to be updated with your services and products, you can do it through social media. This is again done by integrating various social media on your website. How do you do it so that it can create maximum impact? Read on to know.
Where in your website should you place the social media icons?
There are no hard defined rules about placing social media icons on your website. But you should place them at such a place that by looking at it, your website visitor would like to take up actions. Places could be the header, the footer, sidebar of a blog or the contact page. Wherever you place the icon, make sure that your website visitors can see the moment they visit your page. And remember, the icons should be linked to each corresponding social network. It is often found that even Software Development Company does the mistake of linking A Twitter icon to a LinkedIn profile of the website. These mistakes should be avoided.
What are the plugins available that can help you with social media integration?
Many plugins are available for your website’s social media integration. If you use blogger, integrating is easy, search for the right plugins, install it or you can do it by using HTML tags. If you are using WordPress, there is the WordPress codex for plugins recommendations. Facebook is one good option. You can integrate your Facebook page to your website. To do that, go to your Facebook page, go to settings and click on use social plugins where you will be shown how you can make the most out of your Facebook page. Another online buzz is the Google+. It is suggested that you add a +1 button on your website or blog. The more +1 you get, it positively impacts your website’s Search Engine ranking.
There are also plugins that can help you place multiple social media networks on your website. It can be seen that many web application development companies, Android Application Development companies and even web the top software development company use these plugins for the easiest SM integration to their blogs and websites. One perfect example of such plugins is AddThis.
SM integration can be of help in making your business a success. It is therefore suggested that this is done to promote your business.