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CSS Basics – Applying CSS to HTML – @importing Stylesheets

There is one more way of importing external style sheets into HTML files and that is the @import property. The syntax look as given below:<style type=”text/css” media=”screen”>@import url(“styles.css”);…other import statements or CSS styles could go here…</style>Sometimes important statements can be seen without the brackets but it does the same thing. One should also be aware that @import should always be first in an embedded style sheet. […]


Public Distribution System | PDS | EPDS | e-pds | Electronic pds

Public engagement with this Online Distribution Core, The Government connected with the food grain movement, allocation, distribution, thefts, and grievances in real-time. The cases of thefts as intercepted by a common man in the district can be instantly reported online or through mobile phones. The reported complaint then gets assigned to the authorized officials and actions […]